"Workshop was great and interesting, I learned a lot of useful stuff I can use to coach my team." - Kristina Campana, BridgeClimb

We believe that coaching is a skill that can be learned. Managers, just like sports people, have varying degrees of natural ability, commitment, mental ability and experience. As they approach any new challenge, they will call on this experience and this will shape their approach, which will have varying degrees of success, as they are unaware as to what motivates their people to commit and excel.

We often require the new coach to revisit and unlearn some of their current methods. It is a collaborative model that is geared towards allowing the coachee to reach their potential. It is not about the coach as expert prescribing answers and action steps.


At the end of the workshop all participants learn new skills and an approach to help them reach their potential. More specifically they will be able to:

  • Describe the impact that their leadership style has on others

  • Recognise that coaching inspires and motivates

  • Utilise a framework that allows them to plan and facilitate face-to-face coaching sessions

  • Know how to use the coaching effectiveness model

  • Recognise the coaching moment and manage the process from beginning to end

  • Give feedback in the most constructive way

  • Create personal action plans for themselves and team members

Designed for:

This course is perfect for you if you are in a Management or Leadership Role.

Participants who attend this course often find our Understanding Self & Others course of value.